Inspiration for nuno felting projects

Jun 11, 2023

Nuno felting is an extremely versatile technique, especially because it fuses two different materials with different qualities: wool and fabrics.

This alone allows us to create infinite combinations and play with texture, transparency, color, patterns, and variations of drapability. It’s even possible to apply other materials between the wool and the fabrics, in particular if you’re using transparent fabrics.

So, I wanted to show you some of my pieces, to give you concrete examples of how you can use nuno felting to play with all these possibilities in your own work, and hopefully spark some new ideas.

To make things easier, I’ve divided my pieces into 3 groups and talk about each one separately.

1. Examples of finer pieces, in which you use the fabric as a base and then apply wool just on some areas. Obviously, this is the variant that has more drapability and transparency. So, it’s particularly good for scarves and shawls, or blouses and dresses, as well as for curtains and lamps.

2. Examples of pieces where you use both wool and fabric for the whole area. So, the fabric decorates the whole surface. If you apply wool very thinly, here too you can achieve a nice drape. This a great solution for garments like coats and sweaters.

3. Pieces where the fabric is just applied on certain areas, as a highlight. This will be the type of piece that is thicker and has less drape, since you have the wool as the base. This type of nuno felt is perfect for bags and pillows, for example. Another alternative is to use several layers of fabric and wool, applying different fabrics as accents.

Check out the video above for more detail.

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