The Dodo Blog

Wet felt your baby booties, mittens, jackets & hats!

Jul 12, 2024

Have you noticed the BABY classes are back?

Many of you have been asking to have the baby booties class separately. You’ve also showed interest in having it available “on demand”, which is understandable, since babies grow fast

So, I’ve listened to your requests and created two separate classes: “Comfy Baby Booties & Tiny Baby Mittens” and “Sweet Baby Jacket & Daisy baby Hat”. They’re already available and can be purchased at any time.

They’re now in a DIY version, and the videos and PDFs are downloadable. Just click on the images below to be taken to the course information.

Whether you’re planning to enroll in the class or not, here’s some information that may be useful for you.

As I reopened the baby courses to enrolment, it was brought to my attention that some of the designs are not compliant with the safety standards of many countries. I was very grateful for these contacts, since this is...

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Wet felting book review

Oct 21, 2023

"Filzen: Alte Tradition, Modernes Handwerk" (German version)

"Felt: New Directions for an Ancient Craft" (English version)

by Gunilla Paetau Sjöberg

This might be the best book about wet felting I have. And I do have many

It’s over 20 years old, it doesn’t have amazing photos and it has a lot of text. So, it might not be the first book to grab your attention when you look at my bookshelf.

I have it in German, but there’s also an English version.

So then, what makes it so special?

I think it’s the most complete wet felting book I’ve ever seen. I could call it a felting encyclopedia.

Let’s have a look inside, so that you can see what I mean.

It starts with an incredibly complete History of felt and it covers different felting traditions found in Europe and Asia: from hat making in Hungary and shepherd coats in Turkey, to the felt masks worn by the Vikings, and socks and shoes made in Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

It then dives into felting...

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How To Make FELT GLOVES - Now Available

Jan 26, 2017


How about learning to felt a pair of gloves, that you can make in any size and color you want?

Plus, you can decorate them with any felted pattern, embroider them or sew lace, buttons, crochet flowers or anything else you’d like to play with, to really make them your own!

In this workshop, I’ll be showing you how to do exactly that. You’ll learn to make a pair of gloves in two different colors and apply curls on them. I’ll also show you how you can make your own pattern for any size you want.

The complete workshop is available at my Etsy shop. You’ll get 9 downloadable HD videos, and a PDF with the template, all of which you can save onto your computer, to return to any time you want.

Check out the introduction!

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